You deserve care that meets you where you’re at in life.

Think we might be a good fit?

Together we'll look at what's happening in your life right now as well as explore your past experiences and how they affect your relationships. We'll dig into the patterns and stories that shape your life, aiming to bring about insights that help you better understand yourself and promote growth and healing.

My approach

I believe in using a mix of different approaches to therapy, making sure our sessions are tailored to fit your individual wants and needs. Whether we're delving into your past experiences, practicing mindfulness, exploring your family dynamics, or even getting creative, I'm here to help and support you.

Areas of Expertise

  • Dealing with loss—whether it's the passing of a loved one, saying goodbye to a pet, moving on from a phase of life, coping with health changes, or facing shattered dreams—is tough. It can feel like you're lost at sea, especially when you're going through it alone. But I'm here to be your anchor as you move through these rough waters.

    In this space, there are no masks to wear, no need for pretense. It's just you and me. My role? I'm here to listen, to offer a hand to hold as we navigate the intricacies of your grief experience one step at a time.

  • Perhaps you're dealing with chronic illnesses, pain, or disabilities, and it feels like a constant struggle that impacts everything you do. Or maybe someone close to you is facing a life-changing or terminal illness, and you're finding it difficult to juggle caregiving, empathy, and your own daily responsibilities while coming to terms with their challenges.

    I'm here to offer understanding and support as you navigate the emotional rollercoaster of your own health journey or that of your loved one. Together, we'll explore ways to find strength and purpose amidst the difficulties you're facing.

  • Sometimes, we go through incredibly tough experiences without fully realizing their impact until much later. Trauma can leave lasting scars that aren't always visible.

    You might notice that events, situations, or past relationships are still affecting your well-being long after they're over. Or perhaps you're struggling with unexplained physical discomfort and emotional distress, making it hard to get through each day and enjoy life.

    Together, we'll tackle these challenges, celebrate your progress, and focus on creating a sense of safety, security, and empowerment in your life.

  • Healthcare experiences can be tough and sometimes even traumatic, affecting both healthcare providers and patients alike.

    How do you acknowledge the pain that comes from dealing with healthcare systems while also recognizing that these systems are essential for accessing care?

    As a healthcare provider, how do you cope with the emotional toll of witnessing difficult situations every day while still striving to provide the best care possible?

    Our relationships with healthcare are complex. It's not always possible to set firm boundaries or walk away.

    With my professional background in navigating healthcare systems and firsthand experience as a healthcare provider, I'm here to support you as you find your way forward, one step at a time.

  • Understanding and affirming our gender is a complex journey that involves both self-awareness and exploration.

    It can be overwhelming to begin this process on your own, not knowing where to start. Or perhaps you’ve found yourself feeling frustrated having to educate others about your experiences before getting the support and understanding you deserve.

    With an extensive background in working with trans and nonbinary folks, I offer a supportive, knowledgeable, and authentic environment for exploring the self, gender, expression, and related experiences


Individual Session

Online or by phone, I offer psychotherapy sessions to individuals 18+.
Typically, meetings are weekly or bi-weekly.

50 mins | $170

Couples Session

Online or by phone, I offer psychotherapy sessions for couples.
Typically, meetings are weekly or bi-weekly.

50 mins | $200

Individual Consultation

Online or by phone, I provide individual consultations to assist with clinical work, policy, and/or program development.

Please contact me if you are looking to consult regarding the following topics: trans, nonbinary, and gender care and support; trauma related to attachments, relationships, and healthcare; disability, accessibility, and chronic illness/pain support; and grief.

50 mins | $170

Group engagements

I offer collaborative and customizable workshops, trainings, and other consultation services tailored to your group’s needs.

Let's connect to discuss how we can work together to create a meaningful and impactful experience.

Reach out to book a free 15 minute phone consultation.